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Camp Imadene believes that your privacy is important for you as an individual and as an organization. We are committed to ensuring that your business and personal information is treated professionally. To safeguard the personal information entrusted to Camp Imadene and to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA") and any other applicable legislation, Camp Imadene is committed to the following principles:


Camp Imadene has designated the Executive Director as Camp Imadene's Personal Information Compliance Officer. Any inquiry, request or concern related to privacy matters should be made to Camp Imadene at CAMP IMADENE, its directors, officers, employees and volunteers are required to comply with the principles and this policy and will be given restricted access to personal information solely to perform the services provided by Camp Imadene. Other persons or organizations who act for, or on behalf of, Camp Imadene are also required to comply with the principles and this policy and will be given restricted access to personal information solely to perform the services provided for Camp Imadene.


Identifying Purposes
Camp Imadene primarily collects personal information for the purpose of registering for its various camps and from those individuals who are members of the Island Christian Camping Society. Business information is also collected on rental groups and other organizations that use Camp Imadene and its facilities. This information is collected to fulfill our services to our constituents, including but not limited to mailings, email newsletters, website listings and notices of events or promotions.


Camp Imadene strives to ensure that all information collected from our applications is with the knowledge and consent of the individual. Individuals may alter or change their consent at any time or opt-out of any program they do not wish their information used for. When filling out family membership applications, the individuals must ensure that all family members listed have consented to their information being supplied to Camp Imadene.
Limiting Collection The collection of personal information shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by Camp Imadene. Information shall primarily be collected through membership, camper and staff applications.


Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the individual's consent or as required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary to fulfill those purposes or as is lawful. Personal information shall not be disclosed to third parties without the express consent of the individual.
Personal information shall be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. It is important that you help us maintain up-to-date and accurate information in our database.
Personal information shall be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information, including limited access to information on a need-to-know basis, passwords on computers and locks on filing cabinets as necessary.
Camp Imadene shall make readily available to individuals specific information about its policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
Individual Access
Camp Imadene will, upon request, inform an individual of the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information and shall be given access to that information. An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
Challenging Compliance
An individual shall be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above principles to the designated individual accountable for Camp Imadene's compliance.

Box 374 | Mesachie Lake, B.C. Canada V0R 2N0 |
Telephone B.C. only 1-800-445-7575 Outside B.C. 250-749-6606

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