Imadene Society
Board of Directors

Church: Hope Community Church
Imadene Involvement: I grew up at Camp Imadene and never missed a year from age 2 to 22. My experiences include being a family camper, kids camper, counselor, lifeguard, outdoor program director, and dishwasher. I have recently started attending camp again as a family camper and our family loves it and is excited to be serving at camp as well. Camp has been a very formative part of my faith walk and a very formative part of my childhood family's life. I am grateful to be able to follow in my father's footsteps by serving on the board.
Outside of camp: I have been a Head of School/School Superintendent for the past 22 years and am now transitioning to the role of Executive Director of the Society Of Christian Schools in BC. I am married with three children, three chickens, and a dog. I find great joy in being in the outdoors: hiking, biking, rock climbing, water skiing, canoeing, and camping. I also study theology at Regent College for fun and for my own faith formation. I have a PhD in Organizational Theory and hope my education and experience can serve the board well.

Church: Lambrick Park Church
Imadene Involvement: I started going to Imadene as a camper when I was 12, and then began cabin leading in high school. I went to Imadene’s gap year program, Auxano, and also was a lifeguard for a couple of summers!
Outside of camp: I work as a paramedic for BC Ambulance, I youth lead at LPC, and I love hiking and spending time with my family.

Church: Lambrick Park Church
Imadene Involvement: My children attended camp at both Maple Bay and Mesachie. Now my two oldest grandsons are also attending Mesachie. I had hoped to volunteer in some capacity at the camp this summer.
Outside of camp: I recently retired from the Office of the Auditor General of BC where for the past fifteen years I served as Acting Auditor General for 2 years and Deputy AG for the remainder. I am currently an Elder at Lambrick Park Church and the Treasurer. I am also Chair of the Finance and Audit committee and have been on the committee for the past fifteen years. I am on the Finance and Audit Committee at the Victoria Golf Club and provide advice on governance issues to the board chair. I am still a licensed Chartered Professional Accountant and a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors. For recreational fun, I enjoy golfing, alpine skiing, cycling, hiking, gardening, and walking my three dogs.

Church: Victoria Alliance Church
Imadene Involvement: I have been going to Camp Imadene almost annually since I was very young when my family volunteered at Family Camp. My involvement with Imadene has included volunteering as a cabin leader, in the kitchen, on the program team, as part of the Work Crew/LIT Program, and boat driver. Imadene has always been a very special place for me and I consider it a second home. My mother served on the Program Committee and my father served on the Imadene Board for many years and now I am very excited to be serving in this role.
Outside of camp: My wife and I got married in 2022 and we are expecting.... a Golden Retriever puppy, which we are looking forward to. I enjoy playing sports, and I've coached a high school volleyball team for many years. We love to spend time with our nieces and nephews and enjoy warm days outside.

Church: Coastline Church
Imadene Involvement: Camp Imadene has been a large part of my life; I've been a camper, camp counselor, weekly staff volunteer, LIT staff member, and was the secretary. Imadene is
definitely an incredible place to serve, grow and make lasting memories!
Outside of camp: I am an accountant working in public practice and a facilitator for the CPA program. I love being outside as much as possible whether it be camping, riding my motorcycle, hiking, walking, or relaxing on the boat on a peaceful lake.

Church: Friendship Community Church;
Imadene Involvement: Volunteered in various capacities including cabin leading, boat driving, program director, and kitchen crew for several years while my daughters were campers.
Outside of camp: I’m a partner in a local accounting firm and in my spare time enjoy puttering on my hobby farm, hiking, fishing, and cooking. I’m a father of 3 wonderful grown daughters, 2 of whom recently moved back home.

Church: Lambrick Park Church
Imadene Involvement: I've been involved at Imadene for 15 years- from LIT, lifeguard and weekly director; I've loved it all.
Outside of camp: You'll find me working as an RN in acute care, shoveling manure in the garden, or changing my baby's diaper. There seems to be a common theme in my life...

Church: Gateway Baptist Church
Imadene Involvement: Our son attended summer camp at Maple Bay and worked as summer staff for one year. Our granddaughter attended camp for 5 or 6 years as a teenager at Mesachie Lake. My wife and I have dropped her off and picked her up at camp on a number of occasions—we have been very impressed with the stories she has related to us regarding her camp experiences and new friendships made.
Outside of camp: I have been married for 53 years with four adult children and 6 grandchildren. I am now retired after working for a local school district for 36 years, first as a Speech/Language Pathologist, then as a Special Education Teacher involved in teaching adaptive computer hardware and software for students with various disabilities. Recreational pastimes include playing bridge and golf. I enjoy being part of two men’s Bible studies and fellowship groups.

Church: Honeymoon Bay House Church
Imadene Involvement: I was on full-time staff at Camp Imadene for seven years, leading the Auxano discipleship program. I led the Summit leadership program for several summers, served as Dean, and helped with staff training, weekend retreats, and other events. Though not as involved at Imadene over the past few summers as a board member, I hope to contribute in new ways from my experience in and love for camp ministry.
Outside of camp: I have been involved in camp and church ministry my entire adult life, focusing primarily on discipling and training young adults for life and ministry. I’m the author of several books about Christian camp ministry that are used worldwide, plus several novels. My wife Sarah and I have two sons who live in Victoria. We currently host and mentor a young couple apprenticing at Honeymoon Bay Retreat Centre.

Church: Aldergrove Alliance
Imadene Involvement: I attended camp as a youth from 1979 through 1986 and then worked as a junior lifeguard on summer staff for 2 summers after finishing my camping experience. Myself, my spouse Alexis and our two daughters have been attending Imadene since 2019, first through family camp and now with our daughters attending kid’s camps; with Alexis and I volunteering for the two weeks our daughters are campers. The two weeks at Imadene each summer is a highlight for our family.
Before I started attending camp as a youth, and into the first years I was a camper, my parents, Ken & Joy Pelling, were directors for Junior Girls camps for many years. My father Ken served as a board member for Imadene for a significant number of years and was part of the four-person committee that oversaw and facilitated the purchase of the Mesachie Lake property. I have many great memories of that period in Imadene’s history.
Outside of camp: I have been an entrepreneur / business owner since 1997 and am currently assessing what I’d like the next 20 years of my journey to look like vocationally. I’ll be attending Trinity Western University School of Business in September 2024 as a part of the 2nd cohort of their Executive MBA program, with a focus on Non-Profit governance and management, graduating in April 2026.
Alexis and I have been married for 18 years, and our family particularly enjoys our summer months on the water in some capacity, whether that is at Imadene, Barnabas on Keats island, or our cabin on Adams Lake. With our daughters in their early teens, the balance of the year is full of scholastic & musical endeavours, with a lot of time spent in gyms for volleyball, at the track, or on the soccer pitch where I’ve been a coach for several years with our younger daughter’s team. Life is full, in a good way. I’m excited to be able to serve Imadene in this capacity now, and in the years ahead.

Church: Canvas Church
Imadene Involvement: Over the past several years, my family has attended family camps, my two children have experienced various day and week long camp opportunities. We also lend a hand at the annual volunteer spring work weekend and I was personally able to join the men’s retreat in 2023.
Outside of camp: Having been deeply impacted by Jesus-centered camps since childhood, I've served in numerous staff and leadership capacities. Additionally, I've dedicated over a decade to serving on church boards, fulfilling roles such as Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. Currently, I'm actively involved in my local church's pre-teen and youth ministries. Married for nearly two decades, I'm blessed with an amazing wife and two wonderful teenagers who keep me on my toes.
In my professional capacity, I oversee BC Transit Project Delivery Department, where I spearhead the planning and execution of various transit projects across the Province. Concurrently, I run a management consulting business established in 2010. Over the years, I've led the development of incorporation bylaws and governance structures for nine nonprofit organizations and one church.
Outside of work, I find solace in the outdoors and cherish moments spent with my family.
I'm excited about the prospect of leveraging these diverse experiences in service to the Imadene Board.